Terms and Coditions

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully as it sets out the terms of a legally binding agreement between you (the reader) and News44 AKS Media Network Private Limited.

1.       Introduction:

This following sets out the terms and conditions on which you may use the content on news44.in website, News44s mobile browser site, in store Applications and other digital publishing services

(www.news44.in, www.thenews44.com, www.news44now.com, www.news44aks.in, www.news44aks.com, www.news44group.com, www. news44.org, www. news44.co.in, www. news44.app, www.news44.blog, www. news44.world, www.news44.cloud, www.news44.app, and www.news44today.com) owned by News44 AKS Media Network Private Limited, all the services herein will be referred to as News44 Content Services.

2. Registration Access and Use:

We welcome users to register on our digital platforms. We offer the below mentioned registration services which may be subject to change in the future. All changes will be appended in the terms and conditions page and communicated to existing users by email.

Registration services are offered for individual subscribers only. If multiple individuals propose to access the same account or for corporate accounts kindly contact or write in to us. Subscription rates will vary for multiple same time access.

The nature and volume of News44 content services you consume on the digital platforms will vary according to the type of registration you choose, on the geography you reside or the offer you subscribe to.

  1. Free Registration
  2. Premium Registration
  3. Special Offers
  4. Combo registrations with partners

The details of the services and access offered for each account have been listed on


We may in exceptional circumstances cease to provide subscription services. We will give you at least 7 days’ notice of this, if possible. If we do so, then we will have no further obligation to you.

All information received by us from your registration on news44.in or other digital products of News44 will be used by News44 in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Kindly read the below mentioned details.

  1. On registration, we expect you to provide News44 with an accurate and complete information of the compulsory fields. We also expect you to keep the information secure, specifically access passwords and payment information. Kindly update the information periodically to keep your account News44 will rely on any information you provide to us.
  2. Each registration is for a single user only. On registration, you will choose a user name and password (“ID”). You are not allowed to share your ID or give access to your account to anyone else. News44 Premium subscription does not allow multiple users on a network or within an organization to use the same
  3. On knowledge, News44 may cancel or suspend your access to News44 premium services if it comes across you sharing your personal access without further obligation to yu.
  4. You are responsible for all the use of news44.in premium service made by you or anyone else using your ID and for preventing unauthorised use of your ID. If you believe there has been any breach of security such as the disclosure, theft or unauthorised use of your ID or any payment information, you must notify Business Standard immediately by e-mailing us at info@news44.in. We recommend that you do not select an obvious user password (such as your name) and that you change it
  5. If you provide News44 with an email address that will result in any messages News44 may send you being sent to you via a network or device operated or owned by a third party (e.g. your employer or college) then you promise that you are entitled to receive those messages. To ensure email’s land in your inbox, you will add the news44’s email receipt id to your safe list. You also agree that News44 may stop sending messages to you without notifying.
Important – Kindly note
  1. When you participate and choose to subscribe to joint content subscription offers that News44 partners with; your email id, access password and entered personal information will be shared with the participating content partner brand via an encrypted server to server protocol. This sharing is to facilitate your seamless access across the partner brand’s platform. Once you login to the partner brand’s platform, specific terms and privacy policies of the partner brand (mentioned on its website) will
  2. Joint offers including special price offers are generally limited to new users on the partner sites. Clubbed Offers on partner sites will not be available to you should your email id be registered with the partner website. You are advised to study the offer before you Merely subscribing to such a joint offer does not make you eligible to gain access to the partner platform. News44 does not take responsibility of providing you with an access on the partner site for existing users/subscribers of these sites.
  3. When you subscribe to joint offers supported by (non-content) brands; specific brands would ask you to share personal or private information in lieu of a value that the brand extends. By participating in such offers you implicitly and by confirming the terms of the offer you agree to share your registration information and personal data with the concerned The brand or its associates may use this personal information to contact you with their promotional offers. Further by participating to such offers your will be additionally governed by the privacy policy and terms and conditions of the concerned brand. You are advised to go through them carefully before you decide to opt in.
  4. As a registered user of or subscriber to news44.in you may choose to use news44.in’s “Remember me” log in feature that enables you to be logged in automatically to business-standard.com whenever you visit news44.in without having to manually log in each time. We recommend that you do not enable this feature on any computer that is or may be used by anyone other than you in order to prevent unauthorized access by third parties to both your subscription details and features of in personal to you